A 2D stealth platformer where you play as a goblin stealing treasure.
Developed in Unity.
A sandbox where you can move around in a boat in buoyant water.
Developed in Java using the LibGDX and Box2D framework.
An arcade game where the player captures fairies by switching dimensions.
A C# ASP.NET MVC web service that runs students' submitted code against instructors' test code to receive immediate feedback. It's a distributed service using RabbitMQ to primarily dispatch tests to works supporting the language being tested. Supported Java, Python and Haskell. Developed in a team of 5 members for our Senior Design Project. The business case was a submission to a competition aimed at commercialization of Shakedown as a product.
Created a modular server-client system in Java to allow any board games to be played.
Designed and documented both the architecture and established the interface between components.
Collaborated and presented with a team of 9 members. Lead the 3-person graphical user interface sub-team.